Inspired to Learn the Cello

Inspired to Learn the CelloI have been watching orchestra performances online here in Sydney. I found a new appreciation for the music an orchestra can produce. Hearing the music, you do not really get a sense of how grand the orchestra is unless you see it for yourself. One instrument that stood out for me was the cello. It looks weird especially to me who is only familiar with the piano. It looks like a giant violin of some sort.


I did a little research and found out that the cello is really is a giant violin with a deeper fuller sound. At first, I thought the music it can produce would be limited to orchestral use, but saw a lot of videos online and I was pleasantly surprised. It can be used for accompaniment for ballads, pop songs and even saw a performance which it was used for a rock song. It might be as versatile as a guitar and could be such a big show stealer of a talent.


I only hope I could playing it would be as fun as playing the piano, which I also enjoy as well. I am considering learning the cello since I have been wanting to learn another instrument since I learned the piano. I can always take up lessons here in Sydney. There are a lot of classes I can go here and some music stores have a discount promos. If needed there are countless instructional videos online I can watch to teach me tips on how to play the cello.


I am really excited to learning. I just hope I have what it takes to master it. I just need to make sure to put in all the time and dedication I can and I am all set. Who knows, I might become a world-renowned cellist someday

Learning about the Clarinet

Learning about the ClarinetI saw a picture of a musical instrument online that I was not familiar with. After asking around, I found out it was called a clarinet. It is funny since I would have guessed it was a kind of a flute, but instead, it is a member of the group called woodwind instruments.


I went to a shop in Brisbane to see it for myself.


It looked totally foreign to me even though I do play a musical instrument, this was the first time I saw the clarinet up close.


I was informed that the clarinet has the largest pitch range of common woodwind instruments which means it can produce different kinds of sound. It can make a dark sound and even a brighter sound, so it is very versatile compared to the flute. Looking at it, you cannot help but feel intimidated by the intricate placement of its keys. Just from the way it looks you can tell that it can a challenge to play.


Evidently not as popular as other wind instruments, learning the clarinet can make you stand out from the crowd. I am considering learning another instrument in addition to the guitar, maybe this is an instrument that would suit me. I live in Brisbane and I do have access to classes here. I am really torn between the flute and the clarinet. I asked around and they told me the flute would be easier to learn but in terms of musicality, the clarinet might be more versatile. I figured since I have no idea how to play both instruments, both of them will be fairly difficult to learn at first, so I would rather pick the one that offers the most versatility for my efforts. I am really excited in starting my lessons. With time and practice, I know I can play the clarinet well.


go to the website

Brisbane Flute Classes

Brisbane Flute ClassesI never knew I’d enjoy learning how to play the Flute this much. At first, I was scared that I might not understand it, but with the right help I was able to learn the basics immediately and now I can play. I wish I did it sooner, playing has never been this fun and rewarding. Playing the Flute is not simply a hobby for me now, it has become my go-to for stress relief.




Learn the trumpet in Melbourne

Learn the trumpet in MelbourneLearning to play an instrument is no easy task. For me it wass trying to play the trumpet. I got a trumpet from my dad and decided to be the one to continue playing it. Sadly, I had to move for work and I had no one to teach me. 


Luckily after some browsing, I found a site that helped me get in touch with a trumpet class in my area. Needless to say, I all worked out. Now I can enjoy learning to play the trumpet at my convenience.


 So if ever you wanted to start playing an instrument try this site out, it was a big help for me.